What It's Like Having Short Hair

Before Haircut
Out of most everything I've done in my life, deciding to cut my hair has been pretty much the best thing for me. Not only has it boosted my confidence, but it has really shown me that being feminine and being yourself doesn't just stick to one agenda.

I've had plenty of people criticize me over my short cut before the shears even crossed over and snapped a few strands. The choice to cut my hair was all in my favour and to benefit myself, and it totally did beyond my expectations.

The simple basis of this whole ordeal is that you have to make the decision yourself to be yourself. What more is there to note? Nothing. That's right! Nothing is left to note because there is no one to control you but yourself and your actions.

After Haircut
Before I get into more, let me stop myself and discuss the hair. A Pixie Cut as most refer to it as, is the ideal feminine haircut, because it showcases slender and true beauty. Most wouldn't agree. Most would argue short hair is for the male presence only. I beg to differ! I got my hair cut after so many years because I couldn't handle my frizzy locks. They were too much to handle and combing through was a hassle.

The pixie cut can be styled in many different ways, you can choose anything from headbands, ribbons, and clips to decorate. If you have long enough bangs or grow them out a little, you can braid through the bangs for an adorable look. People think there isn't much to a pixie cut, but you can do so much! The thing is, caring for your short cut wont take much time but you do want to keep in mind that it grows rapidly and your looks or styling can differ from week to week.

As I say plenty of times, 'short hair, don't care,' because it's true! You don't have to worry about much. You just have to do what feels right and comfortable to you.
Kathrine Heigl, Ginnifer Goodwin, Zendaya Coleman
With this easy and versatile hairstyle, you can do so much with the little you have. It's amazing! The celebrities above sport some cute, sophisticated, and edgy looks you can go for on this hair trend.

Let me know in the comments about your thoughts on this style! I would love to hear what you have to say whether it be about self-esteem or just natural beauty.

-Kaitlyn x


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