Make the most out of people you know (free clothes)

Sometimes it pays to know more people to get clothes. Instead of always going to thrift shops or looking at sales you can get free clothes. Here's how I got free red crop trousers: My mum's boss brought some old clothes to work for people to take for free. These were his wife's. This lady has a clear out as she's a shopaholic. So, my mum rummaged through them. She realized they were a majority of small sizes. I'm lucky enough to be that small. Childlike me hehe. What my mum picked out for me was a 3 items. A lace pink jacket, some straight cut jeans and the red trousers I'm wearing in the photo. (I'll talk about the other items in future posts so, stay tuned). Here is a photo of the trousers I paid zero for. They are comfortable. They are cargo pants but 3 quarter length. Originally they came from a UK shop called 'Next'. That means they are not designer but, does that even matter? The red shade is a dark pinky colo...