Blagging freebies at carboot sales

How I paid nothing and walked away with additions to my wardrobe: (not stealing)

This was several years ago now. Yet I still remember it. Back when I was doing a carboot sale to raise money for a summer holiday. I was down sizing the huge family house to move into a seaside flat. That's where I found items to sell. I wish I had photos of the event.
However, picture this. A large empty field with cars in rows. They have boots/trunk open with tables of stalls in front of each car. These stalls selling everything from clothes, kids toys to antiques.

Near the end of the day around packing up time, this girl was going round trying to get rid of these bags. Sweet little envelope style bags of many colours. Simply going round trying to off load them. When she approached my stall, I half expected they were going to be tatty. I also expected her to want a cheap price for them. But, no they were totally good condition and best of all FREE!

Risk of free:
 Although the girls stall had a variety or coloured bags. There were lots to pick from.
You run the risk of hearing the word 'free'... then flocking to it like a magpie to shiny silver. Then taking it just because it's free. Maybe ending up with items you do not need or already own similar of already. Or the quality could be poor. Handle the item and look at the state of it before taking it home.

This is why I came away happy with two bags. For one, not feeling greedy and second making myself happy picking my favourite colours.
 Tips for getting most out of your carboot sale:

  1. Do a quick sweep of the stalls when you arrive. This insures you know the stalls available and can see the quality items before serious dealers snap up the goods.
  2. Don't be afraid to haggle. I mean ask if the seller can lower the price. Often they will. Sometimes if you are buying a lot they throw one item in for free.
  3. At large carboots wait till closing time. Most sellers don't want to go home with items on the stall. They lower the price of items dramatically. 
  4. Get to know the sellers. If you're regular to a carboot sale a seller may leave items aside just for you. 
  5. Ask if they have an item you're looking for. Never know they could have it not out on the stall yet. Or it is buried and you've not spotted it. 

To sum up:

Waiting till the end of the event gives chance of finding serious deals and sometimes freebies.

The bags I got are great evening attire. The quality is exceptional for 2nd hand.

Take time choosing like I did. Not good to take it simply because it's 'free'. It's best to have a purpose for the items.

Comment on this post if you've ever been lucky to get free items when shopping.
-Stephanie x


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