Nature/pebble thrifty art.

You can do amazing interior art/projects with nature.
Pebbles on the beach for example can be used.
You can make pictures with them. Such as my heart I made.
Then photograph them to add on your wall. Really cheap way to decorate a room. Plus it makes a great day out. You do not even need a beach if you're far away. A garden, park or any nature spot can find things for art.

However, don't pick things like flowers as it's illegal in public spots to pick them.

Or you can paint pebbles or stones. These can be used for paper weights or garden rockery.

I decided to paint mine a nintendo character theme. You can be as inventive with this as you like. This project is great for all ages.
Plus it's cheap. Only cost is paint.

Please remember to add newspaper down to protect surfaces. Don't want paint getting everywhere.

If you want more pebble ideas check out the variety on pinterest website.

-Stephanie x


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