Ordinary items turned extraordinary.
Upcycling is a great source of creativity. It's perfect for making your home unique. Plus you can save a huge amount of money not buying brand new home items. Near where I work is this cafe where everything is something unexpected. (not really the food/drink but the decor). First thing that caught my eye was this lampshade. You look up and see a ceiling light that seems really average. Then on second glance, you see it's actually a binder/folder. Old stationery/ office supplies can decorate interior spaces. It's turning something ordinary into something extraordinary. This lampshade looks as if two binders/folders were used. Then welded or glued with strong supporting glue. Imagine the lamps you could style with your own office supplies if you thought outside the box? A simple idea here. On the table of this cafe was a flower vase. One recycling a bottle. The quant shape of this bottle makes it more aesthetically pleasing. This idea isn't v...
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